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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

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Table of Contents
Volume 13, Issue 2, pp. 449-653

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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A Scheme for Parallelizing Certain Algorithms for the Linear Inhomogeneous Heat Equation

Steven M. Serbin

pp. 449-458

Comparing Algorithms for Solving Sparse Nonlinear Systems of Equations

Márcia A. Gomes-Ruggiero, José Mario Martínez, and Antonio Carlos Moretti

pp. 459-483

Knot Selection for Least Squares Thin Plate Splines

John R. McMahon and Richard Franke

pp. 484-498

Numerical Approximation of Parametric Oriented Area-Minimizing Hypersurfaces

Harold R. Parks

pp. 499-511

Nonlinear Multigrid Applied to a One-Dimensional Stationary Semiconductor Model

P. M. de Zeeuw

pp. 512-530

An Iterative Method for Matrix Spectral Factorization

T. J. Harris and J. H. Davis

pp. 531-540

On the Structure of Jacobians for Spectral Methods for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

Robert D. Russell, David M. Sloan, and Manfred R. Trummer

pp. 541-549

Improving the Accuracy of Inverse Iteration

Elizabeth R. Jessup and Ilse C. F. Ipsen

pp. 550-572

Generalized Schwarz Splittings

Wei Pai Tang

pp. 573-595

Fourier Analysis of Finite Element Preconditioned Collocation Schemes

Michel O. Deville and Ernest H. Mund

pp. 596-610

Sonic Flux Formulae

P. L. Roe

pp. 611-630

Bi-CGSTAB: A Fast and Smoothly Converging Variant of Bi-CG for the Solution of Nonsymmetric Linear Systems

H. A. van der Vorst

pp. 631-644

A Fast Reordering Algorithm for Parallel Sparse Triangular Solution

Alex Pothen and Fernando L. Alvarado

pp. 645-653